Episode Summary:
Listen in as our very own host, Midwife Aleksandra Evanguelidi, talks about what you should be eating during pregnancy. From proteins to fats to raw food and alcohol, Aleks breaks down what the standard guidelines say and how your body will ultimately tell you what it needs.
Links Mentioned:
Aleks mentions Dr. Stuart Fischbein as a mentor and advocate for women and babies.
Through the discussion Aleks highlights many terms in relation to nutrition and body function, including glomerular filtration and preeclampsia.
Many who have been pregnant are familiar with the Glucola drink in testing for gestational diabetes. Midwifery prefers the hemoglobin A1C test.
Aleks advises that if choosing to eat high quality sushi one should also take betaine hydrochloride.
Other suggestions include probiotic rich foods such as keifer and celtic sea salt and nettle tea for minerals.
Aleks also references the Weston Price Foundation in the conversation around fiber and vegetables.
Moderator and executive producer, Chelsea Levy, mentions biodynamic wine in the discussion around alcohol and pregnancy.
Just what exactly is functional medicine?
You can learn more from and about Aleks at her website www.aleksevanguelidi.com and follow her on Instagram at The Vital Woman.
Next week, we'll be speaking with lymphatic massage therapist Lisa Levitt Gainsley.
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